Sunday, February 17, 2008

Montana Green Bulletin
December 31, 2007
GREEN SOLUTIONS by Paul Stephens, CasCoGreens
Humankind United for Survival - A Declaration of the United Missile Workers of Montana
With the privatization of the military, it is only fair to insist that all these "workers" at Malmstrom and other missile bases be organized by their own unions. Since this remains entirely hypothetical, let me offer a draft Declaration for these often-villified and mis-understood Public Servants. I count many friends from past and present missile crews at Malmstrom.
Whereas, the Strategic Nuclear Missile Force represents the ultimate "Doomsday Machine," and
Whereas, if this Force is ever employed, it will mean the end of human civilization, and
Whereas, we are among the best-educated, most loyal, and public spirited military personnel, and
Whereas, this experience of managing and operating The Doomsday Machine has taken a heavy toll on our families, and generally degraded or destroyed our lives thereafter,
Therefore, we urge Congress to draft and pass Nuclear Abolition treaties, with the full credit and influence of the United States to be employed to ensure that all other countries on the planet renounce their nuclear arsenals, and move to eliminate them along a 5-year timetable under international supervision. This, we believe, may also require the abolition of nuclear power, since nuclear weapons can always be easily fabricated from the by-products of nuclear power reactors. All policy decisions must take into account the well-being of the workers, and they must be guaranteed full retraining and employment benefits and opportunities during the transition.
We also urge Congress to gradually transform the military into a Global Environmental Defense Force, with weapon systems and technological resources presently employed in preparation for war being converted to the tools and technologies necessary to fight global warming, environmental degradation, and other pressing human survival needs. It is no longer "us against them;" it is humankind united for survival. -- Paul Stephens
The Return of the Jeffersons: Daughters of Martin Luther King, Students of Howard Zinn
What's wrong with a Black woman Marxist president of the United States? Angela Davis ran several times, on the Communist Party ticket. Did she ever get as many as 100,000 votes? I doubt it. The Communist Party has a ballot line in very few states, and very little advertising budget, although Green leaders were recently flabbergasted when it was reported that the Communist Party was remodeling its national office space, at a cost of over $1 million. Where did they get that kind of money? Is it a gift from Chavez, by any chance? Or a recycling of U.S. tourist dollars from Cuba? Maybe some "Trotskyite" Neo-cons decided to repent, and pay up their back-dues. It's all very sinister and mysterious. The attempts by revolutionary Marxists to take over the Green Party is a perennial story which continues to unfold. Everything's under control. We'll keep you informed.
Much as we all like Marx and his Hegelian, aristocratic pre-suppositions (and family ties), he no longer seems very relevant to the vast majority of American voters. We may be parochial and otherwise backward in our thinking, but that's where we're at, and we have to start from our present position.
It's interesting, at this point in my life, to think that Ron Karenga, Angela Davis, and your very own humble correspondent were all at UCLA at the same time - 1969-70. I sat in on Angela's Hegel class once (as a provisional graduate student in Philosophy - I was not an "agent provocateur" and I was suitably impressed by her teaching) , and although I never had a conversation with Ron (credited with inventing the Black Christmas-alternative, Kwanzaa), I remember seeing him and hearing him speak as early as 1966. Even then, as a student, he was a well-known African nationalist.
So, it all comes full-circle. The Black future (and certainly the Green-Black Alliance) favors Cynthia McKinney and a more enduring "Georgia Mafia" over the revolutionary posturing of the Panthers and their spin-offs. Or so I would maintain. But don't let any poor white trash from Montana tell you what to do.
-- Paul Stephens

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