Thursday, January 23, 2014

"How to wreck the environment, the Democratic way"

John Tester's latest contribution to "best practice"

"How to wreck the environment, the Democratic way" 

On closer examination, it's nothing more than the traditional Republican Way (bribe, coerce, threaten, and intimidate) anyone who stands in the way of "jobs" and corporate profits.  For some reason, we thought Jon Tester was an "environmentalist" who would protect our wildlands, and keep the "resource companies" from raping us any further.  We thought he would be an implacable opponent of Monsanto, Cargill, ADM, Dow, and the other destroyers of healthy, safe food and a sustainable environment and ecosystem.  Apparently, he has no friends outside the MWA who actually understand these policies, and those who do are afraid to say anything.  Jon is such a big, intimidating guy.  Who dares speak truth to him?  

Now the shoe is on the other foot,  allowing the Republicans to look good for preaching fiscal responsibility and for attacking those "socialists" and "anti-business", anti-labor "environmentalists."  Hey, they want to feed your cattle to the wolves and bears!  They want to outlaw trapping.  They want to "lock us out" of national forests, and keep them all for East Coast liberals and "animal rights" people.  Do they buy gas and drive cars?  Then they can't complain about the Bakken, or XL pipeline, right?  

What about our rights?  What about Montana?  What about our high-paying jobs in the coal, oil, and mining industries?  Here's your chance to be "bi-partisan."  Prove to us you hate environmentalists, and will fight with us to stop them!  And Jon says, "sure thing."  

Here's  what I'm hearing from Jon:

I understand.  My brother was in the National Guard, and told me how vital the Minuteman mission is to our local economy.  It's sort of like St. Peter's  Mission.  It's a sacred place.  Welfare for our beloved soldiers, who sacrificed so many people in Vietnam and Iraq.  Surely they deserve a nuclear arsenal, if only to get back at the peace activists like Jane Fonda who made us lose!   

This is the "progressive" Democrat we elected, but hey, even Bernie Sanders voted for the F-35.  It must be a good thing!

A few verses in conclusion - this started as a poem...

The nuclear mafia

Remember, they can only 

exploit us if we're dependent 
on them for our daily bread 
and health care.  

It's the Obama Plantation Economy, 

and we inhabitants of 
the nuclear garrison slave town
should understand.  

Could it be

that Kant and Moses 
Mendelssohn disagreed 
about the Categorical Imperative?  
Modern Zionists, at least,
are often evidence
in favor of that proposition.  
As long as we're not being tortured
(or smoked with high-tech weapons)
they're OK.  I mean,
what kind of philosophy is this?

One they teach at Harvard,

Especially in the Law School.
And Business School.  
Maybe even Theology, 
("und leider auch Theologie" - Goethe)
the Department of Emerson 
and so many others.

There's a PhD thesis right there:

Did Emerson's reading of "Faust"
cause him to drop out
and create a "new American religion"?
I think so.
But Thoreau was the real force
behind this impulse.
And that was who
Martin Luther King followed...

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