Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Preparing for War is Preparing for Economic Collapse

ALEC's Legacy

Why King Coal is the Anti-Christ

Preparing for war = preparing for economic collapse

And that is exactly what our leaders are doing - especially in the local economy.  It's been Armageddon for the past 20 years, at least - say,  post-NAFTA and post-repeal of Glass-Steagal - both Clinton sell-outs or "initiatives", depending on your point of view.  And thanks to Goldman, Sachs - the principal bankster which has controlled the Federal Reserve and Treasury since Rubin days - all that ruin still stands, and is being fueled further even as we speak.  

The Republicans always understood "military Keynesianism", but it was "the enemy"- what they were AGAINST, not what they wanted to promote.   What is this "military Keynesianism"?  Basically, it's the economics of perpetual war and military "preparedness" in order to "create jobs" and "promote the local economy."  And that is precisely what the local Nuclear Mafia constantly claims it is doing with Malmstrom's archaic and dangerous Doomsday Machine, designed for "Mutually Assured Destruction." 

Just what we wanted, right?  A suicide pact might have meant something in those days - 40 years ago.  It doesn't mean much, today.   I guess we're that much more willing simply to "end it all" than we were, then.  After all, these are the Last Days, right? The Rapture is at hand.

Military Keynesianism is the economics of Hitler.  In fact, his economic experts knew and read Keynes, which was unusual for Germans, whose economics was much less "free market" and "entrepreneurial" than the English - even under "Fabian socialism".   And that is what we've been doing in the US ever since WWII - accomodating ourselves to Amerika Uber Alles - "Full Spectrum Dominance" over all the other nations and peoples of the world.

A recession looms ahead?  Start another war.  Create another threat, polarizing the masses and their "representatives" to demand protection, to demand justice for women in Afghanistan, to demand "free trade" and claims on other country's resources, be they human, financial, oil, water, good farmland, or whatever.  Warfare is economics by violent means.  It must be good.  

 The myth of military necessity

It's really painful for a person with basic economic training and literacy (and I claim no more for myself) to listen to the blind rationalizations of fools, cowards, sociopathic war profiteers and other sell-outs to corporate fascism on virtually any issue you might name.  They are real "Know-Nothings" - denying the Wisdom of the Ages in order to get a few buck from the Koch's, coal, and oil lobbyists and unions.  

The one thing professional economists all agree on is the "Pigou Tax" - TAXING (not subsidizing) the externalities (damage to neighbors, the enviornment, public health, etc) from harmful activities like burning coal.  But do we see them uniting with climate scientists, historians, ecologists and others to implement a carbon tax and other taxes against various kinds of pollution and other socially-detrimental outcomes from production and trade?

No.  In fact, "Hell no".  The Kochites are not buying any of that "green garbage".  CO2 helps plants grow.  More CO2 and crops will be better.  They (the Koch -Monsanto agents) actually say that. And they've infiltrated it into the TEA's and other political action groups/caucuses, thus completely destroying the peace, justice, and sustainability values ("Parameters of Eternity") which people of faith generally maintain.  

Everyone agrees with this in the abstract.  Even (or especially) the coal companies have a vital interest in stopping what they do.  We'd all be better-off if we didn't burn irreplaceable, polluting fossil fuels.  There are known and proven strategies to make the conversion as quickly as possible, consistent with social welfare and the other economic needs and outcomes which we value.  

The best way to phase out fossil fuels is a graduated carbon tax, which if put into place 20 years ago (which the rest of the world tried to do), would have solved the problem by now.  We'd have a peaceful, nuke-free, carbon-neutral economy, with vast resources liberated to satisfy every other perceived human need and desire.  

People would be healthier, happier, more productive, more self-realized, more spiritual, more athletic, or whatever they wanted to be. But coal lobbyists and the corporations which pay them, working through ALEC and a thousand other bought and paid for "think tanks", lobbies, and outright militarized attack forces, are on the verge of destroying our country, by destroying our health, our will, our freedom to organize and communicate - even our freedom to read and listen to whatever sources please and satisfy us.  It is Orwell's 1984 squared.  It is all those horrors, mixed with Brave New World's Soma happy pills and unlimited sexual gratification.  

So, to all those "Republicans" and "Democrats" who would not be recognized by their predecessors of a century ago, I would say:  "You need to understand that your policies are killing people.  And you will be  the morally culpable parties for sowing false information and economic dependence on planet-busting technologies."   

We VOTED for you.  We EXPECT that you will do what is best for everyone, at whatever level of the pyramid you happen to be governing or "legislating" for.  

The Coal Lobby is already suffering the sulfurous coal-smoke hell for the remainder of their days. They will continue to rape, strip, and destroy our mountains and forests, spewing million of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, accelerating climate change, raising sea levels, and resulting in the deaths and dislocations of millions of people.  

What sort of politician actually encourages and spends money to promote the coal industry?  It's been a large majority in Montana, bi-partisan, for a long time.   We heard one tonight, on Yellowstone Public Radio's "Capitol Connect" program, from Colstrip, MT.  
And not one challenge or rebuttal in 15 minutes to all the outrageous lies and false claims he made.  I thought maybe they'd put something in the second half of the program from those who oppose coal development and subsidies.  No, it was a story about moving the state crime lab to Eastern Montana, where all the fracking and coal strip mining takes place.  It seems they are overrun by meth dealers and prostitutes.  I wonder why? 

It's time to give it up.  Coal is not a renewable or sustainable "resource".  In fact, it isn't a resource at all.  It's a death plague.  And it's time to go to war, not against "coal" in the abstract, but against all the coal corporations and their pocketed politicians who are barely literate, let alone wise in their use of their legislating power.  They simply don't understand, and they have no desire to do so.  And out of their ignorance, they will destroy the planet if we let them.

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